Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photoshop Midterm - "Leonardo's Dream"

Leonardo da Vinci has been a prominent figure in my life.  His ability to see correlations between seemingly unrelated things has always astounded me.  Some of the influence for choosing his obsession with flight comes from having watched "Leonardo's Dream Machines" which aired on PBS.  In this show two teams worked to build one of Leonardo's inventions.  One team decided to try to build one of his most famous inventions, his flying machine.  Using materials available during his time and only using elements that Leonardo himself designed, they were able to create a flying machine that actually worked.  This means that Leonardo could have flown almost 400 years before the Wright Brothers first flight.

For this project I wanted to show some of the awe that I felt when I watched Leonardo's flying machine fly for the first time.  All of the drawings and pages shown in this image come from the remaining pages of his works.  Most of the pages come from his "Codex on the Flight of Birds."  I wanted the image to have the feel of a cluttered desktop, asif Leonardo had just stepped away and would be back to continue working.  For the ink splotches I downloaded a brush set from www.brusheezy.com.

Here is a list of all the sources I used for the project:

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