Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photoshop Homework #6 - Working with Text "Quoth the Raven"

When we were told we could use quotes for this assignment the first thing I thought of was this raven photo I had taken a few years before and the words "quoth the raven" from Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven."  So I reread the poem and when I came to the part that mentions the bust of Pallas I decided to add that element.  I also had a picture of the moon and a bare tree that helped to set the mood.  I downloaded a suitably eerie font from www.fontspace.com to use for the quote.  Due to the fact that both the bust and the raven images were taken during the day I used the burn tool to darken those elements.  The moon was also not in the proper place as the source of illumination so I moved it and made it a bit larger.

I got the image for the bust of Athena Pallas from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/Bust_Athena_Velletri_Glyptothek_Munich_213.jpg


  1. Where did you get the image of the Raven?

  2. I took the photo of the raven myself at Big Basin State park in California. Though I did adjust the photo to make it fit with the rest of the image.
